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This happens, for example. B in the case of contracts for the duration of a project. The end of the contract is then not set at a calendar date. Then, a probationary period of up to 1 month applies. Here too, cla may differ. Check this carefully when concluding the employment contract. If the agreed trial period does not meet the legal requirements, the penalty is that the trial period is null and void. Then there is no trial period at all and a dismissal procedure must follow in order to dismiss the unwanted employee. If, for example, a trial period of two months has been agreed in an employment contract for a period of one year, when it should have been a maximum of one month, a dismissal in the first month does not entail dismissal because no probationary period lasted from the outset. When you start a new job, your employer may want to set up a trial period. This must then be stated in your contract. During this trial period, you and your employer can get to know each other. This way, your employer will know if you are the employee they had in mind and you will be able to know if the job is really right for you.
During this time, the employer, but also you, can terminate the employment contract immediately. There can therefore be no question of a period of notice. During the probationary period, none of you is required to provide a reason for dismissal unless you specifically request the reason for the dismissal. The employer can even fire you if you are sick. For a fixed-term contract of 6 months or less, your employer cannot agree on a trial period. Your employer can arrange a probationary period with you. The duration of your trial period depends on the duration of the contract and your collective employment contract. During the trial period, both parties can terminate the contract immediately, for example if the work does not suit you. This post describes what you should consider if you are an employee with one. In the case of contracts of indefinite duration, the probationary period may not exceed two months.
For fixed-term contracts concluded for less than two years, a maximum trial period of 1 month applies. The maximum duration of the trial period that can be agreed depends on the duration of your employment contract. For example, the probationary period of an employment contract of indefinite duration may not exceed two months. Even if there is a fixed-term employment contract with a duration of two years or more, a trial period of two months can be agreed. Often, you first have a probationary period with a new job. This period allows you to get to know your employer better. The duration of the trial period depends on your employment contract. Your employer will know if the click was correct during the application period. The time period is also there to see if the position is right for you. Equally important, of course.
We explain exactly how the probationary period works. The law regulates the length of your probationary period. Your probationary period is: A trial period can also be included in a contract indefinitely. In the case of a permanent contract, the trial period may not exceed 2 months. The trial period may therefore be slightly longer than with a fixed-term contract of up to 2 years. This has to do with the fact that an employer can hardly fire you after the trial period with a contract of indefinite duration. After all, the contract does not expire automatically and, therefore, the intervention of the court or the UWV will always be necessary to achieve termination. Many employment contracts provide for a trial period. This gives you, as an employee and your employer, the opportunity to get to know each other better without being immediately tied to each other for long periods of time.
During the trial period, you can both cancel the contract on a daily basis. If the position does not meet your expectations or if you think you will not integrate into the company, you can cancel daily during the trial period. The trial period therefore offers flexibility, but there are a number of rules associated with it. You must always agree on a trial period in writing with your employer. A simple probationary period in a collective agreement is not enough. Does the employee or employer terminate the contract during the trial period? Then, the person who resigns must state the reason in writing when the other person so requests. You and your employer can agree on a trial period. Your employer should then note the length of your trial period. The maximum duration of the trial period depends on the duration of the employment contract.
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