Fp7 Model Grant Agreement

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In line with the autonomy of the Research Executive Agency (EAR) and, therefore, for those parts of the indirect actions under the Specific Programme `Cooperation` (Space, Security), the Specific Programme `Capacities` (Research for SMEs) and the Specific Programme `People` (Marie Curie), which are the responsibility of the EAR, separate standard financial assistance agreements have been adopted. Separate models of grant agreements have been adopted for the specific programmes "Cooperation" and "Capacities", "People" (Marie Curie) and "Ideas" (European Research Council). All of them are listed in the order shown - make sure you download the right programs. All formal steps in the preparation of the grant agreement are described in the H2020 online manual. If the ERA-LEARN-Cofund funding proposal has been proposed, the European Commission will open a meeting on the participant portal to prepare the grant agreement. A specific model grant agreement with the European Commission is based on a model grant agreement. This template contains specific annexes for financial forms, a form for the obligation to make funds available and a template for reporting on the use of the previous pre-financing tranche. An annotated template of the grant agreement is also available for download. This file contains explanations of the main financial provisions of the Model Financial Assistance Agreement (MGA). The commented model grant agreement covers all Horizon 2020 grants. The specific section on era-NET Cofund is available in Chapter V (pages 574 et seq.). On 10th October the European Commission adopted a decision on 10th September. April 2007 adopted the general model grant agreement to be used in research projects funded under the 7th Framework Programmes.

New annexes and some amendments to the annexes to the grant agreements were adopted (chronology of amendments). The latest updates to the grant agreement are due to: the latest updates of the respective versions of the model documents of the grant agreement (chronology of amendments) are due; 1) the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009 and (2) the adoption of a new Commission decision amending Annex II – General Conditions Articles II.15, 2.c and II.16.1 and in the list of specific clauses, specific clauses number 3,3 and special clause 30. The amendment to Articles II.15.2(c) and II.16.1 of Annex II to the Model Grant Agreement shall apply to existing grant agreements without the need for formal amendments. Separate models of grant agreements have been adopted for the parts of the specific programmes "Cooperation" (Space, Security), "Capacities" (research for the benefit of SMEs) and "People" (Marie Curie) and for the specific programmes "Ideas" (European Research Council). In addition to the grant agreement, it is mandatory for all beneficiaries to sign a consortium agreement. Each consortium must define its own structures and rules that meet its specific requirements. To support the preparation of your specific consortium agreement, ERA-LEARN provides a template for era-NET Cofund Consortium Agreement. The model is based on DESCA. DESCA 2020 is a global model consortium agreement for Horizon 2020.

Initiated by fp7 key stakeholders and updated for Horizon 2020 in consultation with the FP community, it provides a reliable framework for project consortia. www.desca-2020.eu/ The old versions of the documents of the model grant agreement for the specific program "People" (Marie Curie) are stored and accessible here. The following links provide access to these documents. The original language of the grant agreement and its annexes is English. Translations into the other languages of the Community shall be made available to facilitate the understanding of the grant agreement and its annexes. They are not legally binding and are not officially sanctioned. This model grant agreement applies to indirect actions under FP7 specific programmes. They consist of a basic text and several attachments. There is also a list of special clauses to be included in the grant agreement if necessary. An Excel file for the coordinator`s liquidity planning. The European Commission offers a free IPR service to inform and advise partners on intellectual and industrial property rights - the IPR Helpdesk.

The following links give access to these documents: "Cooperation" (space, security) and "Capacities" (research for the benefit of SMEs) under the responsibility of the REA:. . . .

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