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Rental installation A rental plant A is a CAD drawing of the floor plan as well as project notes of the work to be done. The landlord must provide accurate electronic drawings (CAD) illustrating the "as built" condition of the space being considered for the lease, including the common areas and travel routes required for the lease by the government. The landlord is responsible for any redevelopment, change in construction or change order caused by inaccuracies in the plans or discrepancies between the plans and the physical premises. The State may require the provision of architectural and design services by the owner. If agreed, the owner must use the services of a licensed architect or certified interior designer who, after consultation with the state planner, will prepare a service description for review and approval by the state. A list of general requirements for services will be provided after the application. Exhibit B of the lease is a document that describes performance specifications for new construction, modifications and existing structures. Note: Unlike most private sector tenants who rent space on a rental space basis that includes an occupancy factor for common areas, the leased space as defined in Appendix B, Section 1.00(E) is based on a modified version of BOMA`s definition of usable space that excludes all washrooms, laundry rooms and common areas required for codes. For more information about renting space to the state, see Renting commercial real estate to government agencies. The Bureau of Real Estate manages the process by which state agencies rent additional offices, liquor stores in Pennsylvania, and warehouses.
All rental requests and rental measures are reviewed to determine cost reduction opportunities, such as. B, co-location and consolidation of employees to reduce the total area of Commonwealth leased space and reduce the overall administrative burden associated with lease management. Current rental requests from government agencies are published on eMarketplace. The portfolio is limited not only to providing services to district agencies, but also to providing services to our constituents through programs such as Eastern Market and the Out-Lease program. Eastern Market is fully managed by the portfolio department, which secures suppliers and offers suppliers activated on weekends and at night. The outdoor rental program is a program that oversees the portfolio on behalf of the district, like. B one judiciary square (OJS) food courts and the rental of district-owned space. Asbestos buildings constructed before 1979 must be certified in writing as free from asbestos-containing materials (ACM) hazards. Certification must be issued by an industrial hygienist certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) or an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) inspector certified by the Asbestos Emergency Hazard Response Act (AHERA). If the building was constructed after 1979, a photocopy of the certificate of occupancy issued by the city or county construction department, which is required prior to the execution of the lease, is sufficient.
Asbestos information from the Ministry of Industrial Relations Information on the proper handling and removal of asbestos-containing materials Lead buildings constructed before 1980 must be certified free of lead-containing material (MCL) hazards. Samples of colored chips and samples of other suspicious MCLs are collected by a DHS-certified project designer for laboratory analysis to determine lead content. If the building was constructed after 1980, a photocopy of the certificate of occupancy issued by the city or county construction department, which is required prior to the execution of the lease, is sufficient. Guidance information from the Department of California. All state-occupied facilities must be evaluated for their ability to achieve a significant life safety seismic performance target. The state`s space planner will conduct an initial review of the property. If necessary, the state may require a structural assessment, which is performed by an independent licensed structural engineer, and the certification must be completed and signed. Accessibility Survey Checklist Landlords must conduct an accessibility survey in accordance with Exhibit C, Section 3. The accessibility survey checklist must be completed prior to the execution of a lease. It can be performed by any Certified Access Specialist (CASp), ICC Accessibility Inspector or Plan Examiner, or a Licensed Architect in California. Standard lease All leases are executed using the state`s standard lease, including Annexes A, B and C.
Sustainable measures All facilities leased by the government are now subject to review and reporting procedures. Specific requirements can be found in Appendix B on environmentally sound building practices, construction debris management, indoor air quality and other related sections. The state requires landlords to under-measure the space leased by the state for utilities and water, to the extent economically feasible, to report energy consumption data to the U.S. EPA`s Energy Star portfolio manager and water use to a database established by the Department of Water Resources. The state also encourages homeowners to participate in utility-sponsored energy-saving measures and take advantage of alternative financing. To contact sustainability, click here. Construction Waste Management Site Recycling If a project requires tenant improvements or other construction work, a waste recycling plan must be submitted. Information on construction waste management Please consult the following lists if you need help finding a qualified consultant: The Department of General Services (DGS) is responsible for planning and managing the district properties in order to get the best possible use. The Agency carries out activities such as the management of leasing contracts; Allocation of own and leased real estate to district agencies; the acquisition and sale of real estate; Fixed cost estimates for district facilities and rental income from facilities that lease district-owned property.
Private owners interested in renting real estate to the state can preview the required documents. You can view all the current views of the status for the required space by clicking the link after this paragraph. When this website opens, type the number "7760" (without quotation marks) in the Department box and type the word "Searched" (without the quotation marks) in the Event Name field, then click the Search button: Portfolio is continually responsible for locating and negotiating a variety of space needs, e.B.: Accessibility Survey (checklist available upon request) Certified Access Specialist (CASp) ICC Accessibility Inspector or Plan reviewer on the International Code Council (ICC) website. (Enter "CA" as the status and be sure to select "Accessibility Inspector/Plan Reviewer" from the "Type" drop-down list.) DGS provides a range of resources to locate and identify government-owned lands. Lease Exhibit C Lease Exhibit C is a list of requirements for compliance with the state Fire Marshal, the California Building Code (CBC), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and sustainable measurement procedures. DGS performs a wide range of property management functions. In addition to managing capital improvement and construction programs for a variety of county government agencies, DGS also: Form G Form G verifies that the space is 100% ADA compliant. It must be signed by the architect on the project and submitted to DGS before the occupation and the start of the rental. Example of a copy of the completed Form G (PDF) (which can be found in our Appendix C) The DGS Portfolio Department offers several services to district authorities and their members.
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