Cua Agreement

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One. The authority to enter into contracts for the purchase of goods and services required by the University is delegated as follows: No independent contractor agreement can be settled through the Office of the Vice-President of Finance and Treasurer (i.e., procurement and payment services) unless approved by the General Counsel. Also note that no one should start working, whether on or off campus, as an independent contractor until a duly signed agreement has been approved by General Counsel and Procurement and Payment Services. Commercial Contract Routing Form: This form is used when the agreement specifies the university`s funds. A full explanation can be found in the contract review procedures. B. The business contract includes the following types of contracts: deeds; leases; construction contracts; agreements with consultants for software, hardware or telecommunications services; contracts with suppliers for the purchase of materials, equipment or services; supply agreements; financing agreements; agreements on independent contractors/consultants (unless they are part of a research contract); and agreements with temporary employment agencies. A. Contract means any agreement between two or more persons that creates a legally binding obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. A contract may or may not involve the payment of money. This policy applies to any document that requires the university, regardless of the terminology used to describe that document. The types of documents that constitute contracts include, but are not limited to: academic agreements; affiliation agreements; allowances; trade agreements; Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs); Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs); agreements; Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs); promises to pay; promissory notes; orders; drivers or additions to existing contracts; separation agreements; settlement agreements; and waivers.

In order to carry out the tasks of the university in teaching, research and service, it is sometimes necessary to conclude legally binding agreements ("contracts") with other institutions. The University is only bound by written contracts in which the University or a sub-entity is officially involved, which have been reviewed and approved in accordance with this policy and which have been executed by university officials who have specific contract signing authority. No official or member of the university community has the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the university or any program, department or department of the university, unless there is an official delegation of written authority. This guideline describes the university`s requirements for reviewing and approving contracts, as well as protocols for delegating signing authority. This policy applies to all members of the university community. Contract Review Procedure: Specifies the process for different types of contracts, e.B. Business, affiliation agreements, research, academic appointments, etc. D. All $25,000 contracts will be reviewed by Strategic Sourcing and Procurement to ensure that the supplier is not on the General Services Administration`s "List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-Procurement Programs." The University will not enter into such agreements if the Contractor is excluded, suspended or declared ineligible under legal or regulatory requirements. The office of the General Counsel`s objective in all contract reviews is to provide timely service while ensuring that all agreements meet the university`s appropriate requirements for regulatory compliance, good business practices, and required insurance coverage. All cardholders should carefully read, review and sign each section of the PCard/Corporate Card Cardholder Agreement, as they are responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies and procedures included with the PCard.

The fully signed agreement must be sent to the purchasing department. Applying for a PCard card for Cardinal access formAll PCard holders must have access to and permission to use their department`s account. Complete the Cardinal PCard Access Request Form and send it to for approval. The agreements are available below in PDF format. Printed copies are also available in Housing Services. High-risk agreement Outside of facilities (updated on 14/11/16) Inquire with the OGC about the use of this agreement 7. Vice-President, Research – Undervaluation of Federal and Private Grant Agreements Up to $250,000 All Principal Investigators must complete and return to PSO the "Disclosure Form for the Implementation of the UCA Conflict of Interest Policy" for their new grant, additional funding, research agreement or consulting contract. Instructions for completing the forms can be found here.

C. Exemptions from the tendering process may be granted by the Senior Director, Strategic Procurement and Procurement, if an acceptable written justification for a bid is provided by a single or single source. PCard offers members of the Catholic university community greater flexibility in corporate purchases and a more efficient and streamlined process for low-risk transactions in small dollars. This is a Visa credit card that can be used for business purchases under $2,500. The university`s tax-exempt numbers are displayed on the front of the PCard, as most purchases made on behalf of the university are tax-exempt. If you are a supplier who wants to sell to the government, see the Guide to Delivering Goods and Services for more information. The Dean has the authority to perform contracts arising from the normal academic activities of the University, and this authority has been delegated in writing to the Associate Vice-President, Research for the execution of sponsored contracts and to the Senior Vice-President, Academic Administration for affiliation agreements. If the contract is to be transmitted to public procurement and payment services in accordance with the Treaty and the Signatory States Directive, it should be accompanied by the contract/agreement routing form. The contract is then forwarded to the Office of the Advocate General. A signature of approval from the OGC is required for the contract before it can go through a payment process. These forms will be updated from time to time, so please check on this page instead of just downloading and reusing the above forms.

Service Master Agreement* (updated 4-27-18 to add GDPR) International suppliers must file a U.S. Withholding Tax Certificate (W-8 Form Series or 8233) with a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Social Security Number (SSN) to request an exemption or reduction from withholding tax. . . .

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