Boston Carpenters Union Contract

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Massachusetts Associate General Contractors work closely with all facets of the industry to deliver fair business practices to 200 members, from Cape Cod to the New York border. As the Commonwealth`s leading commercial construction association, AGC MA provides its members with benefits and business resources for the state`s construction industry. AGC MA`s Industrial Relations Department supports member companies that are under contract with one or more of the core trades, including contract negotiations; the interpretation of the agreement; mediation and arbitration; and labour and jurisdictional disputes. The BTEA is an active and aggressive union federation for union entrepreneurs that sets the horizon across New England. BTEA contractors represent the majority of NERCC signatory subcontractors. It strives to create a forum for entrepreneurs to share views and ideas and to support partnerships between businesses and governments that lead to economic development. It creates networking opportunities that create business opportunities for entrepreneurs, provides technical support, oversees regulatory reform efforts and legislation at national and national levels. Over the past two years, the union has worked to ensure the long-term strength of health and pension funds, which are jointly overseen by union and management administrators. While all funds are in good condition under federal guidelines, the union recognizes the need for occasional adjustments to plans and funding to maintain certainty of performance.

The New England Regional Council of Carpenters represents 28,000 members in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine and New York State. Hundreds of employers in the construction sector sign agreements within the framework of the geographical competence of the NERCC. This includes project and construction managers, general contractors and subcontractors who perform various aspects of carpentry work, including metal frames and drywall, concrete, wooden frames, doors and accessories, and finishing work. "Workers and employers across all sectors are concerned about the long-term sustainability of health and retirement benefits," said Flynn. "Our union`s continued focus on maintaining a balance between our plans, funding and the competitiveness of unionized employers is crucial. Communication on this and other issues is at the heart of our relationship with employers and has played an important role in reaching this contract renewal agreement. The New England Regional Council of Carpenters (NERCC), the Labor Relations Division (LRD) of the Associated General Contractors of Massachusetts (AGC MA) and the Building Trades Employer Association (BTEA) have agreed to extend their current collective agreement by 4 years, subject to ratification by employer associations and a vote by union members. The agreement covers commercial carpentry work in Boston, eastern Massachusetts and northern New England, as well as flooring and pile drift in northern New England. It extends an agreement that was scheduled to expire on August 31, 2019 until August 31, 2023. Tom Flynn, Executive Secretary and Treasurer of NERCC, said the agreement was the result of a strong partnership based on long-term trust and common goals between the union and employers. Instead of negotiating wages and benefits individually, collective agreements between the union and the employer traditionally provide for an hourly wage and benefits rate, which are then allocated to hourly wages and contributions to benefit funds, training programs and other programs.

Members will consider the need to fund benefit plans and increase hourly wages when deciding how to allocate increases. In addition to financial increases and minor changes in the wording of the collective agreement, the union and management agreed to expand dialogue on industry concerns. Joint Employment Services Committees will be established to hold ongoing discussions on how to remain competitive in this ever-changing market and position union carpenters as long-term market leaders. "Our members, the general contractors and the subcontractors they employ understand how we rely on each other to succeed," he said. "The extension of this agreement creates a level of stability and predictability that means a lot to our industry. It reaffirms our commitment to each other and to working together to address the challenges we face today and in the future. » Operations EngineersOperational Locations Local 4 (5-30-2022)Operations Engineers Local 25 Dredge (9-30-2012)Operations Engineers Local 25 - Drillboat (9-30-2006)Operations Engineers Local 98, Building and Site (31-05-2020)Operations Engineers Local 98, Heavy and Highways (05-31-2020)Local 4 Field Engineers Local 4 (10-31-2022) Tom Comeau, Chief Operating Officer of Commodore Builders and President of the AGC`s Labour Relations Division (LRD) believes that Tom Flynn`s and NERCC`s commitment to cost reduction will continue to make AGC MA and BTEA`s undersigned partners the leading construction teams in Massachusetts [...].

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